
1. Reading my friend's blogs...I love hearing about their lives!
2. Getting mushy letters from Cody (they are few and far between!)
3. Talking with friends...the good, deep, juicy talks.
4. Remembering my mission and keeping in touch with my Ukrainians
5. Planning our future with Cody
6. Watching good movies (Pride & Prejudice right now)
7. Reading my favorite books (Especially the "Anne" series)

1. Sharks; I even dream about them. I still go in the water, but I have to have someone farther out than me. I call them shark bait. :) I even fear them in fresh water....you never know!
2. Deep, dark water (mostly because of number 1)
3. Something happening to Cody, or my nephews. I do care deeply about all of my family, but the thought of anything happening to any of these 3 seriously brings me to tears.
4. Giving birth...ouch!
5. Not being able to give birth

1. Marry Cody in the Los Angeles Temple
2. Be more disciplined
3. Exercise more; specifically, get back in "soccer shape"
4. Become more Christlike

1. Blogging
2. Matchmaking
3. Trying to plan a cheap, but classy wedding reception
4. Sewing my squares for our friendship quilt...I'm actually not obsessed with doing it, I'm obsessed with the disappointment that I'm not doing it fast enough! :)

I tag - Christa, Karly, Stephanie, and my blog buddies Julie & Kristina

About this entry

5 validations:

  1. Kristina P. July 23, 2008 at 10:28 PM

    Heather, when are you getting married?

    And I have to warn you. I almost NEVER do tags, but I may. It may be a while though. :)

  2. Hizzeather July 23, 2008 at 10:39 PM

    I'm getting married Feb. 7th. He is on a mission right now. I have another blog where I put his letters and pictures up (the "My Cody" link). He gets back in December.

    No one I have ever tagged has ever actually done it, so "whatevs" :)

  3. Wade July 24, 2008 at 11:32 AM

    I have a blogging question. I finally got Gracie's trampoline video posted but, it is buried in the older posts. Can I move it to the top of the blog easily? Easy for me, not you, easy?
    I'm glad you are getting in soccer shape and not sock him shape. I know you would come and sock me first.

  4. Wade July 24, 2008 at 11:32 AM
    This comment has been removed by the author.
  5. Jules AF July 24, 2008 at 11:46 PM

    That is really exciting that you're getting married! I've never been married, obviously, but I feel you on the classy and cheap thing. I like to plan my wedding some days, and I just get depressed because I won't have an unlimited budget. Lame! Good luck with that!