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7 validations:

  1. Jules AF July 25, 2008 at 1:29 PM

    I'm sorry, but that scene on the second link looks RIDICULOUS!!!! Nothing like I imagined it. Oh my. I can't wait to see how bad this movie is going to be.

  2. Hizzeather July 25, 2008 at 1:31 PM

    HATER! This movie will be good! :)
    It's no "Dark Knight", but I am going to love seeing her interpretation of the story on the silver screen!

  3. Kristina P. July 25, 2008 at 3:13 PM

    I'm going to have to join Julie. We may have to start a "Twilight Haters Anonymous" club.

    My friend yesterday said that she was reading my blog, and couldn't believe how much I loved the series. I asked her if she knows me and my blog style at all.

  4. Hizzeather July 25, 2008 at 3:32 PM

    ha ha...yeah, you are a bit, *ahem*, "sarcastic" on your blog, but I love it.

    I feel I need to pose this question...I understand that not everyone will adore a certain book, a series, even an author. But at what point does that indifference turn into hate?

    ps...stop drinking "hater"ade! :)

  5. Kristina P. July 25, 2008 at 5:33 PM

    Actually, I don't hate the series. I've stated this on my blog, that it's really all the hype. The books are just OK, in my opinion, but it's like this crazy fanaticism, about books that were written for teenagers! I'm basically anti-hype to begin with, so that feeds my anger towards the series.

    But, I have many friends who love the books. I'm not a hater of people, just of hype about books that aren't that great. I'm cool like that.

  6. Sjauna July 25, 2008 at 7:56 PM

    I have to admit, I wasn't interested in the movie AT ALL until I saw the preview. I think the books are well written, but they irritate me - along with their cult following. It looks like the actors will be good though. They better be, because I would have done the casting a lot differently. I still think Gabriel Aubry should be Edward though, except... I have no idea what kind of an actor he is. He can just stand around and look like Edward.

  7. Jules AF July 25, 2008 at 10:16 PM

    I don't hate the series. I think whatever gets people to read is a good thing. But I think girls who are like, Edward is the most amazing man in the world, and I can't look at another human after reading about him, ARE RIDICULOUS!!!! And I'm sorry, but the movie looks nothing like I imagined it, and the previews make me want to laugh. And I have laughed. I'll totally still see it though.