Rich Caselli's Last Ride

On July First one of my best friends lost her father to cancer. It was a shock because he had not told anyone besides his wife that he had the disease. Rich was a very humble man who didn't like the spotlight, and he didn't want to interrupt his children's lives. He was very close with his two children, so I don't want anyone to think that he deprived them of any time with him, or a chance to say any last words. They know that they were his whole world, and I know that he knows how much they love and respect him. I believe he had planned to tell them around the Fourth of July weekend, but before he had the chance he passed away peacefully in his favorite chair at home. I love Rich Caselli. I have been friends with Carolyn since the Seventh Grade and have been hanging around her house and her family since. They were very good to me, taking me on family vacations and inviting me to special family functions. Rich was very easygoing and friendly, and he would always joke around with me. After I got back from Ukraine, he would always joke about me speaking Russian and ask me to say things. He traveled the world with his family for Kurt's racing career and when he went to Eastern Europe he joked about going to my neck of the woods. Rich was happiest in his garage working on bikes, and it is there that I have the most memories of him...using his orange pumice soap and stealing his pepsis from the fridge. He was always joking and laughing whenever I saw him. I am sad that I did not get a final chance to tell him how much I love him, but I'm sure he knows, and that I will get a chance to tell him someday.

A nice tribute was published on

Last Saturday was a memorial for Rich at the I5MX in Gorman. I happened to be in Lancaster babysitting my nephews, so I took them along for the short trip over to pay my respects to him and his family. I was overwhelmed with how many people came from all over the country to do the same. They had a tribute ride for him around the track with Kurt leading on his dad's bike, and there must have been 75 bikers and at least 75 spectators. It was so wonderful, and it brough tears of sorrow and joy to my eyes. It was a wonderful tribute, very powerful, and the kind of thing that Rich would not have participated in...he hated the spotlight. But I hope that he and his family realize how much we love and support them. the middle of nowhere, just how Rich liked it

Nancy and Carolyn Caselli
Kurt at the head of the pack...
...a very long pack
Carolyn & Nancy speaking with Kurt before Rich's last ride
So many riders!

Off they go
Kurt about to cross the finish line
It was so emotional....I can't convey it in words

Kurt's sponser, KTM. Rich drove and hung around a lot on these trucks on the pictures to see them in more detail

Rich's old racing uniforms

You will be missed Rich! God be with you 'till we meet again.

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2 validations:

  1. Miss Bookworm July 16, 2008 at 2:16 PM

    Heather...Thanks so much for the great blog about the weekend. I am so glad you were able to come out. My dad loved you too, and you have been a great friend. Love you! (by the way, I used my google reader, compliments of your great advice to see that this was your newest post) :) Happy Wednesday, and thanks again for the cool post and pics!

  2. Karly July 16, 2008 at 8:16 PM

    Great post. I love the last race and all the pictures, even though it was a sad day, I love the emotion and how everyone gathers to honor someone that has passed. It's good you went home for the weekend so you could be there for it!