
Friday Night Emily and I bought our copies of Breaking Dawn at the midnight release party. Julie came with us to get our wristbands. We got there about 7 and the handed out wristbands at 7:30. We were in group!

The girls were crazy! The line was pretty long in front of us.
And not so bad behind us, until about 7:30 when it just got wayyyyyyy long. But we didn't care...we had our writs bands! :)
Julie came with us, even though she didn't buy one. She hasn't read "Twilight" yet.
Emily, my die-hard buddy. She read it faster than me, and I read fast!
So, after we got our wristbands, we met a bunch of friends and had a Veronica Mars marathon until we had to go back to get our books. I say "we" loosely because I was so tired that I ended up sleeping through the whole thing. I'm sure they missed hearing my snarky comments the whole time. :) The funny thing was, I got up and went to lay behind the couch and fell asleep, and I guess no one noticed, and later they were looking all over for me. It took an hour for them to realize I was right behind them. I'm definitely my father's daughter...I can sleep anytime, anywhere! I was way tired after only getting 3 hours of sleep. I got to talk to Cody on the phone the night before with his mom, and because of the time difference she was talking to him at about midnight. She was kind enough to patch me in and we all talked for about 2 hours. It was so nice! I miss him so much! But I digress....
I didn't read the book right when I got home. I was so out of it. I started it at about 1pm on Saturday, and I was done with it Sunday morning. I would have been done Saturday, but I was busy that night, helping Julie with her music video, cat-sitting for my old roommate, and going out to dinner and a movie with Kim & Mara. I read late into the night and fell asleep involuntarily with only 50 pages left. I promptly finished those when I woke up Sunday morning. I won't talk about the book, because I know most people aren't done yet, but I absolutely loved it!!!! So good! Thank you Stephenie Meyer!

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4 validations:

  1. Christa Jeanne August 4, 2008 at 11:03 AM

    Dang, girl - you DO read fast!!! I've got about 100 pages left... but already skimmed so I know what happens. What a crazy story!

  2. Anonymous August 5, 2008 at 7:37 AM

    So I started Breaking Dawn last night. And yes, I sort of cheated and looked at the end even though I am only on chapter three. *hides head in shame* Am looking forward to it. I am really looking forward to Midnight Sun--Twilight from Edward's perspective.

    And Dude. Those girls in the picture are really dressed up. Where they supposed to be in character or does the event warrant semi-formal dress in CA?

  3. Jules AF August 5, 2008 at 8:36 PM

    I'm not gonna lie. I didn't love it. I read it extremely fast so I could get to the end, but I didn't love it. I think Bella's an idiot. Yep. I said it. I'm a hater. But I still bought it and read it. Whatever.

  4. Sjauna August 8, 2008 at 5:46 AM

    I was looking for spoilers all over the internet on Monday, and I couldn't find anything! I should have just called you!